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Mass Balanced Products from Continental

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Mass Balanced Products from Continental

A Smart Shift Towards Circular Economy

The Mass Balance Approach

As regulations and demand for sustainable products grow, many businesses may ask themselves how to get started. Continental Industry offers you a solution that allows an easy start to meet your sustainability goals without any compromise to product quality.


The Process
How does Mass Balancing work?

ISCC: International Sustainability & Carbon CertificationWith mass balance approach Continental Industry is mixing bio-based and circular materials with conventional materials within the same production system and keeps track of the respective certified quantities throughout the entire production chain. This ensures full transparency and allocation in the product.

Definition: Mass balance is a chain of custody option in which certified and non-certified materials are physically mixed throughout the value chain but kept separate through verifiable bookkeeping. Certified feedstock has replaced an equivalent amount of fossil raw materials at the beginning of supply chain, and its quantity is monitored and documented through complex manufacturing systems. The certified shares can be allocated to certain outputs, ensuring the quantity of the certified feedstock accurately corresponds to the amount claimed in the finished good.

The attributed share of certified bio-based or circular material in each product can be clearly expressed, based on third-party certified bookkeeping according to recognized standards like ISCC PLUS.


Tailored to Your Needs
How does Continental Industry enables your sustainability goals?

Mass balance supports the sourcing of bio-based and/or recycled materials and allows for a gradual increase of certified materials in existing infrastructures, thus contributes to less consumption of fossil resources in the production. One of the main reasons to use the mass-balance approach is that the material can be tailored to customer needs, depending on their sustainability requirements. Without mass-balance systems in place, products would need to be manufactured in two separate production streams to ensure the physical segregation of the raw materials. This is causing high manufacturing costs. With the mass balance approach, raw materials can be mixed, resulting in the same high-quality product.

Mass balance

Your benefits with mass balanced Continental products


The high product quality will remain the same as it is now.

Cost efficiency

With mass balance approach Continental can use existing infrastructure and offer premium solutions for a fair price.

Full transparency

The share of certified material in each product can be clearly expressed based on third party bookkeeping.

Our Commitment to Sustainability – your Solution

Mass balancing is another important step towards fulfilling our sustainability ambitions of 100% carbon neutrality, emission-free mobility and industry, circular economy, and responsible value chains by 2050 at the latest and to enable your business in its individual sustainability goals.

Mass balance

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